Friday, February 3, 2012

All the little children of the world

Today as I sit and write this, I am reminded of how God gives and takes away life. He knows every single hair on your head, your hopes, dreams and fears. I am not ashamed nor remorseful to tell you that I am a Christian. I love Jesus, he is my best friend. Jesus loves all his little children. He created them. That is why it makes him so sad to see his children murdered and thrown away. Abortion is a disgusting, hateful act. And as I write this, I am reminded of the song I sang in church so long ago as a little girl. It goes like this: Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves all the little children of the world. What a great song. Though I sang it as a child, it still holds great truth to me today. He loves ALL his children. Not some, not the majority, ALL of them. Every single one. Regardless of what you've done, regardless of the poor choices you've made, he loves you. He even loves the abortionists at Planned Parenthood who are so wrongfully deceived. That's why he calls us to defend unborn life. Because he loves every single one and wants them to live. Now, God knows everything. He's not up in heaven, looking down and saying, "gee, I didn't know that was going to happen". He knows everything that is and will be. He knows how our life is planned because he planned it. He knows every single baby that is aborted. Those babies are better off than us because they're in heaven with him. God loves them like their mothers never wanted to or never got to. Even though America was founded on Christian values, we are turning farther and farther away from the very things the country was founded upon. Like the constitution. If Planned Parenthood employees took a look at the Constitution, they would instantly quit their jobs. What happened to equality? What happened to the right of life? Remember when Martin Luther King made his famous "I have a dream" speech? In that speech he said that "all men are created equal". He meant it. Yet, in the 21st century, I assume that Martin Luther King isn't important anymore, judging by the way the government introduced abortion. And judging by the way murder that happens in these clinics, abortion has been rendered a casual event. No jaw drops here, it's been happening for as long as I can remember. We're numb to it because of the frequency. The shock is just so calloused. It's not that we don't care about life, we just don't know if things will ever change. Ever. Will it be the same way when we start our families? Is the government still going to be ignorant to the life being snatched under their noses? Or will they finally realize the murderous acts? Murder is a strong word. I feel strongly about abortion. I honestly think that abortion is essentially murder. It's murder without a doubt. Abortion is murder, and people assume that because the human is smaller than them, it's insignificant, so they start calling it a fetus and saying it doesn't matter because it's just a bundle of cells. They're dead wrong. It's an equal human being. Equal as you and me.

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