Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Contraceptive Mandate Continues to Stir Up Controversy

As I write this, I am still very confused as to why Obama would want this contraceptive mandate to go through. This is certainly not going to help his long-crumbling reputation as a president, so why? The more I contemplate this, the more I see that the answer is in the numbers. Bear with me here, this is NOT a crazy conspiracy theory. If Obama aborts more babies, Planned Parenthood might endorse him. He is already a hero in the eyes of pro choice advocates and more importantly the hero of Planned Parenthood's pocketbooks and future as a clinic. You see, if Obama forces Americans to pay for an unnecessary service, that's more money being wasted...on Planned Parenthood. They'll pocket the money that they do not deserve and use it to fuel their campaigns, their publicity, their dwindling support and their low funding. More money = more abortions. It's a horrifying way of doing business, but it's still normal to society. Now, I am not implying that they have some kind of secret partnership, but that Obama is deliberately giving Planned Parenthood more funding, so therefore, they "relieve" us of more of our children, grandchildren and future generations of our families.