Monday, January 23, 2012

How much do you know about your candidate of choice's stance on life?

The presidential race has started and whether you're ready or not, the top canidates have been chosen. Everyone wants a president who has the "right" views. Views that they themselves have. A candidate who is a pro lifer is especially important if you're like me. If you're confused or unsure about who believes what, this article is for you. Here is a quick rundown on the candidates beliefs on pro life. Newt Gingrich Gingrich signed a pledge to select only pro-life appointees for top jobs and to stop federal dollars going to abortion clinics. Gingrich is pro life. Mitt Romney Romney voices strong opposition to abortion, but has not yet signed the pro life pledge. Being conservative, I think it is safe to say that Mitt is mainly pro life. Ron Paul Ron Paul is very conservative and pro-life. He says he has never understood how an act of violence, killing a human being, is portrayed as a precious right. He supports overturning Roe V. Wade but believes that states should regulate abortions, which is portrayed as contradictory. Rick Santorum A genuine pro lifer, Santorum supports overturning Roe v. Wade. Don't just take my word for it. Google it, research it, find out more about where the canidates really are on the issue of abortion. Write them letters, ask them the tough questions. If they have a good chance of being president, you have the right to ask about it and get the truth straight from the source. Find a town hall meeting where one of these politicians will be present and speak up. Pick a candidate that will not only overturn Roe v. Wade, but make abortion illegal. Someone who is deeply pro life and really believes in what they're saying and is convicted instead of saying they are pro life just to earn votes. You have the right to influence our country.

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